[nycbug-talk] (I hate IPv6!) - Thread Fork

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Fri Mar 23 18:55:17 EDT 2007

Hi Jerry, All,

On Mar 23, 2007, at 5:11 PM, Jerry B. Altzman wrote:

> My original post didn't go to the whole list. I wrote the >> stuff,  
> and Ike wrote the > stuff.
> on 2007-03-23 16:30 Isaac Levy said the following:
>> First off, I think this is a great message to post to list- in the  
>> 'I hate IPv6' thread...
>> I don't think anyone would be discouraged or frustrated, or am I  
>> missing something else?  Unless you have some specific objection,  
>> please re-post publically!  I'll help put out any flame wars that  
>> could transpire!
> I just thought that pointing people at NANOG in that fashion might  
> simply add more heat than light to the vast majority of folks.

No!  Thanks for posting!  It's the internet, some things (like how we  
all connect to each other) should be transparent on all levels, IMHO-  
especially with regard to people's attitudes.

>>> Spend some time here:
>>> http://www.merit.edu/cgi-bin/swish/swish.cgi? 
>>> query=ipv6&si=0&si=5&dr_o=12&dr_s_mon=3&dr_s_day=23&dr_s_year=2007&d 
>>> r_e_mon=3&dr_e_day=23&dr_e_year=2007&submit=Search%21 Alas, it  
>>> doesn't have LASCIATE OGNE SPERANZA VOI CH'INTRATE like it should.
>> Ah- oh- but shouldn't we *BSD people be right at home in hell? ;P
> Hell froze over and filled with penguins, weren't you watching?

What the hell.

>> I do appreciate you pointing me at this- insomuch as it's all  
>> these attitudes I'm looking to bypass.
> Well, you wanted to know why IPv6 wasn't gaining traction, there's  
> a pointer to many reasons.
> The short answer to your question, like so many other questions, is  
> "there's no money in it".

Understood, which I believe is a much greater problem in how the US  
is handling it's "stockpile of innovation" from the last century,  
it's like a bank account, and we're just drawing from it, not filling  
it- these days.

The closure of all the *serious* research labs over the last 15 years  
is evidence of this, in our drive to control the international  
market, we've lost sight of what it took to create the market in the  
first place.

So with that, short-sighted thinking in IT spending and strategy, is  
to me, a tragic component in this kind of market thinking, and left  
as it is, will eventually lead to economic trouble.

I firmly believe companies should be aggressively adopting and  
building up emerging technologies, (like IPv6), just like we once did  
with things like Transistors, CCD chips, and heck, Computers- (all  
things which came from Bell Labs, but you get the idea).

>> Again, unless I'm missing your point, I understand this is the  
>> state of things big picture- NANOG and RIPE and the like.  This is  
>> why I'm looking to light a fire under our asses in NYC- no  
>> pressure, all fun- we
> Well, if you're trying to create the grassroots demand for IPv6,  
> put some content there. Pr0n is a good motivator. Offer "Free Pr0n  
> only on IPv6" and the ISPs will trip over each other to get it out.


> NTT will sell you IPv6 *now* if you want it.

In America???!!!  Well I'll be...


Sales info, but no pricing...  Um...

>> have an oppurtunity in the NYC*BUG group to completely bypass all  
>> of that because most of us are slightly outside of it.
> Alex excepted...

Sure, and actually, based on the responses to this thread, many  

>> It seems to me the more I see groups/lists/stuff like these, the  
>> more I come to believe adoption is less about the tech- and more  
>> about everyone dropping our tech egos, and coming to the situation  
>> open to learn.  Tokyo made me feel like a little child- *I had so  
>> much basic stuff to learn*- which was hard at first, but EXITING  
>> after I psychologically got over a sense of trying to control my  
>> entire situation.
> Right, well as long as the only kewl stuff on IPv6 is the dancing  
> turtle, demand will simply lag.
> (As an aside: the O'Reilly book on IPv6 isn't bad, by the way, but  
> it's long on theory and short on implementation. )

Which O'Reilly book?  There's 2 of them now- and I'm not sure which  
is more useful...

>> It's hard for technical people to get exited about something new,  
>> change threatens anyone's day-to-day routine, but this is the  
>> nature of everything- especially technology, right?
> IPv6 isn't terribly new. :-( RFC1883 came out in 1995.

Heh- barely long enough for *BSD folks to call it mature and put it  
into production, eh?  ;P


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