[nycbug-talk] Apple Releases Darwin 9 Source Code

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Fri Nov 9 13:48:20 EST 2007

>>>>> "jq" == Jeff Quast <af.dingo at gmail.com> writes:

    >> Apple has released the source code to Darwin 9, the underlying
    >> operating system of OS X 10.5

    jq> they also released 10.4.10's complementary darwin, which was
    jq> long overdue

Just wait until someone reports success building it before you trust
press releases of this kind.  In the past I've seen everyone rabble
about them ``I think apple <blah blah> needs to <blah> and Steve Jobs
and <rabble rabble rabble>,'' and then I hear back months later that
what they released is woefully incomplete and unbuildable.  And
``someone'' has been Apple more than once, but of course everybody
pulls this shit.
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