[nycbug-talk] booting FreeBSD v6.2

jekillen jekillen at prodigy.net
Sun Sep 2 22:13:47 EDT 2007

On Sep 2, 2007, at 5:14 PM, Brian A. Seklecki wrote:

>> Right during the point during the boot process, when you see the 
>> little
>> spinner spinning, pay attention.
>> You'll soon see text that reads "Hit [Enter] to boot, any other key 
>> to go to
>> command prompt"
> Correct.  And as far as GENERIC on 6.2/amd64, this is basically an SMP 
> kernel.  But the kernel version will not effect your problem so long 
> as /boot/kernel/kernel is exists ~BAS
Thank you for the info.
Along this line I understand that the AMD Hyper Transport Technology is 
different than Intel's Hyper Threading Technology
and makes them more suitable for servers. Is that what the AMD64 
specific versions are designed to take advantage of?
Jeff K

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