[nycbug-talk] new Asus ultraportables

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at travelersdiary.com
Fri Sep 7 11:34:20 EDT 2007

On 9/7/07, George Rosamond <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
> <snip>

Valid points, Mr. Nyetwork. . .
> But I do think low power, cheapo UMPCs aren't just for One Laptop Per
> Child.
> I'd certainly be happy dragging around these 2 pounds with my
> relevant data, internet access capability and ability to SSH over
> anything else.
> I played with the ~$1700 UMPCs from OQO and it was nice, but for $259
> or so, with flash storage, it's very tempting.
> George

I love cheap computers, and ultraportables. It would be nice if battery life
were better, though. I think I'd prefer more weight and twice the battery.

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