[nycbug-talk] new Asus ultraportables

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Fri Sep 7 22:21:15 EDT 2007

BTW- Lee in midtown said late-month availability on the first  
models...  I want the cheapest model, small screen and all.

On Sep 7, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Marc Spitzer wrote:

>  And I think of it as a vt220
> with stuff.

That should be a marketing slogan for it :)

Seriously, I don't care about wanting a windowing enviornment-  
(though fluxbox or some other minimal X11 should run nicely on these  

I'd rather carry one of these in my winter jacket pocket than an  
iPhone- all I've ever wanted is a small shell and network  
capabilities on my person at all times...

> It might make sense to buy one for the server room at
> work, the serial console is a POS and sometimes I need to console in
> in spite of it.

Seriously much nicer to have around machine rooms for various tasks  
than a cart with a head...  Toss one in the datacenter cabinet for  
emergencies, etc...

As an aside, I want one to drive a usb scanner setup, dedicate the  
EEE to the scanner- (just velcro the thing to the scanner lid ;)

> marc


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