[nycbug-talk] Day 1, EuroBSDCon 2007 report

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Sat Sep 15 07:20:47 EDT 2007

>>>>> "ak" == Andy Kosela <andy.kosela at gmail.com> writes:

    ak> He is a true UNIX legend.

he is certainly infamous, but I don't want collaborators like that in
my tent.  Free/NetBSD need to follow Linux's lead and get that guy's
crap out of their kernels.  It offends me they will not tolerate
GPL'ed stuff in their supposedly pristine kernels, and have such
strict code review processes they take multiple years to check in
working code, but Sam Leffler's broken garbage which is not only
proprietary but has an atrocious track record is greedily and
instantly devoured.  I can understand ``oops, well it seemed like the
right decision at the time,'' but our whole wireless stack has been
completely fucked basically since forever (since cardbus/80211g
anyway), and this true UNIX legend is really, erum, ``making a
difference'' in this department, just not the good kind of difference
I think.

but then again, I'm probably more pissed off than well-informed.  that
fucking guy though.  I can't believe you lost 30min of your talk to a
video tape.  They should have just pressed STOP and referred everyone
to some Youtube! URL.  Since you can only play those videos with a
proprietary player, Sam should love being posted there.
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