[nycbug-talk] Day 1, EuroBSDCon 2007 report

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Sun Sep 16 00:31:05 EDT 2007

Hey All,

On Sep 15, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Miles Nordin wrote:

> I can't believe you lost 30min of your talk to a
> video tape.

Oh no, I simply ran over, (as did all speakers), and everyone dealt  
with an adjusted schedule.

Marc Balmer and Steven Murdoch both helped out, due to their  
extensive experience with clock skew ;P

But seriously, it was a great time- and all the lecture content was  
incredible, I'm sad Sam wasn't here.  It's excellent to see  
developers from ALL the projects sharing so many ideas (and  
eventually, drinks)...


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