[nycbug-talk] Addendum, GPLv3 Problem

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Mon Sep 17 09:42:29 EDT 2007

>>>>> "il" == Isaac Levy <ike at lesmuug.org> writes:

    il> With that, it was great to see all the projects are on the
    il> same page- and that they're all aware and taking proactive
    il> steps to deal with this now...

well...from your summaries, they're all aware of it, anyway.

sorry if this is kind of a noob question but...if BSD doesn't like
GPLv3, is there a problem with simply forking the GPLv2 gcc we have
now?  meaning, simply stop checking into ___BSD CVS any gcc or patch
to gcc once GNU switches their tree to GPLv3 only.
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