[nycbug-talk] upcoming IPv6 meeting

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Mon Sep 17 13:15:16 EDT 2007


On Sep 17, 2007, at 4:45 PM, George Rosamond wrote:

> For those of you who attended the last meeting, you know that we have
> Gene Cronk in town.
> It's on that note that we ask that others provide input to Gene to  
> make
> sure the meeting begins to address the main questions on everyone's
> mind.

To be straight, I'm really looking foreword to the more *practical*  
parts of IPv6 deployment, how to setup a tunnel on a home or office  
network, how to set up a tunnel in a datacenter enviornment...  the  

What I'd like the meeting *not* to be, is a discussion of the  
possibilities of if/when/why kinds of v6 discussion...  I mean,  
there's enough of that which can happen with or without Gene in town  

But I could be wrong, does anyone else want to just focus mostly on  
doing stuff with IPv6? I'm sick of discussing the socio-economics and  
politics of the whole thing for now...


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