[nycbug-talk] Serving High Performance Web Sites --- UNIGROUP Meeting 22-MAY-2008 (Thu):

forest mars compustretch at gmail.com
Thu May 15 13:52:36 EDT 2008

Question for the list, who has made the jump from Apache to a faster web

This talk next Thursday will be a technical look at benchmarking Apache and
alternative web servers.
I got a bit of a preview and it looks really good.




     When:  THURSDAY, May 22, 2008    (** SPECIAL 4th Thursday **)

    Where:  Alliance for Downtown NY Conference Facility
            Downtown Center
            104 Washington Street
            South West Corner of Wall Street Area
            Downtown, New York City
            ** Please RSVP (not mandatory) **

     Time:  6:15 PM - 6:25 PM  Registration
            6:25 PM - 6:45 PM  Ask the Wizard, Questions,
                               Answers and Current Events
            6:45 PM - 7:00 PM  Unigroup Business and Announcements
            7:00 PM - 9:30 PM  Main Presentation

    Topic:  Serving High Performance Web Sites - Where Apache Fails

  Speaker:  Anthony Ferrara,
            Bigtrue INC.



  This month's presentation should be very interesting... a technical
  talk on High Performance Web Servers and alternatives.

  We are also planning our next BSD meeting, with another
  presentation from George Neville-Neil of the The FreeBSD Project
  Team...  tentatively something along the lines of: The FreeBSD
  Networking Stack (including recent work on supporting very
  high speed Ethernet standards, and security/packet filtering).

  We are also planning a Launch Meeting for the newly released
  OpenSolaris (Project Indiana) Distribution.



  To REGISTER for this event, please RSVP by using the Unigroup
  Registration Page:

  This will allow us to automate the registration process.
  (Registration will also add you to our mailing list.)
  Please avoid emailed RSVPs.

  Please continue to check the Unigroup web site and meeting page,
  for any last minute updates concerning this meeting.  If you
  registered for this meeting, please check your email for any last
  minute announcements as the meeting approaches.  Also make sure
  any anti-spam white-lists are updated to _ALLOW_ Unigroup traffic!
  If you block Unigroup Emails, your address will be dropped from our
  mailing list.

  Please RSVP as soon as possible.

  Note: RSVP is not mandatory for this location, but it does help
        us to properly plan the meeting (food, drinks, handouts,
        seating, etc.).



  Topic: Serving High Performance Web Sites - Where Apache Fails

  For nearly a decade, Apache has been seen as the only practical
  choice for serving static and dynamic content.  To this day, it
  powers the majority of all web sites.  However, Apache has several
  limitations and forthcomings (especially in the area of
  performance).  Nearly a decade of experience has many people
  believing that these limitations are inherent in serving content
  (An entire industry has even been created to deal with these
  limitations).  In reality, none of these limitations exist.
  We'll look into some of these shortcomings, and alternative
  technologies which exist that do not suffer from them.

  This talk will focus on technical and theoretical limitations
  inherent to the design of Apache.  There will be at least a few
  benchmark results shown and explained.  A big part of the talk
  will focus on why mod_php fails, and why FastCGI is superior.

  The following alternative web servers will be discussed:
    - FastCGI over mod_{php,perl,ruby,etc}
    - Lighttpd Web Server
    - Nginx  (if there is time to finish the benchmarks)
    - TUX webserver  (discussed briefly, including some
        system layouts possible with it)

  Web Resources:

    Apache Web Server

    Lighttpd Web Server


    Apache Modules: FastCGI over mod_{php,perl,ruby}

    TUX Web Server

    Joomla CMS


  Speaker Biography:

  Anthony Ferrara is the team lead of the Joomla! Bug Squad, a
  member of the Joomla! Developer work group, owner and operator
  of JoomlaPerformance.com, and has released open source several
  caching programs to increase website speed.  He has quite varied
  background ranging from Mathematics to Emergency
  Medicine (and quite a bit in between).


  Company Biography:

  Anthony's company, Bigtrue INC, specializes in consulting and
  development focusing on performance (specializing in
  the Joomla CMS).



  Addison-Wesley Professional/Prentice Hall PTR has been kind
  enough to provide us with some of their books, which we will
  continue to raffle off as giveaways at our meetings.

  O'Reilly has been kind enough to provide us with some of their
  books, which we will continue to raffle off as giveaways at our

  Unigroup would like to thank both companies for the support
  provided by their User Group programs.

  Note: The chances tend to be about 1 in 5, that any attendee of
  our meeting will walk away with a fairly valuable giveaway
  (ie. most books are valued between $30 and $60)!

  ** Thanks to our friends at Sun Microsystems, Unigroup also has
     some Solaris 10 DVDs to raffle off.

  As always, all of the books will be available for review at the
  start of the meeting.


  Fee Schedule:
      Yearly Membership (includes all meetings):      $ 50.00
      Non-Member Single Meeting:                      $ 20.00
      Student Yearly Membership (with ID):            $ 20.00
      Non-Member Student Single Meeting (with ID):    $  5.00
      Payment Methods: Cash, Check, American Express.


  Complimentary Food and Refreshments will be served.  This includes
  "wraps" such as turkey, roast beef, chicken, tuna and grilled
  vegetables as well as assorted salads (potato, tossed,
  pasta, etc), cookies, brownies, bottled water and assorted beverages.



    Alliance for Downtown NY Conference Facility
    Downtown Center
    104 Washington Street
    Wall Street Area
    Downtown, New York City

  This building is located on the West side of the street, the
  second building north of Rector Street.  Cross Streets:
  Between Rector (South) and Carlisle (North) Streets.

  Our meeting location is in the Lower West Corner of Downtown,
  North of the Battery Tunnel, South of the Downtown Hotel,
  East of West Street, and West of Greenwich Street.  Walking West
  on Rector Street from Broadway, you pass Church, Greenwich then
  Washington Streets.

  There are multiple blocks of parking lots right there, between
  Washington and Greenwich Streets, starting at the Battery Tunnel
  and extending North for a number of blocks.

  Nearest mass transit stations, in order, are the '1/9' (Rector
  Street), 'R/W' (Rector Street) and the '4/5' (Wall Street).


  Please mark this meeting on your calendar and join us!
  Please tell your friends about Unigroup!



  a) IASA IT Architect NYC Regional Conference - May 22-23 2008

     The IT Architect Regional Conference is the largest event
     in NYC which addresses the needs of IT architects today.
     This event is sponsored by the NYC IASA Chapter.

     For information and paid registration visit:

     For information about the local IASA NYC Chapter visit:

  b) SIFMA (formerly SIA) Technology Management Conference 2008

     Date:  Tue, June 10  12:00pm -  6:00pm
            Wed, June 11,  9:00am -  6:00pm
            Thu, June 12,  9:00am - 12:00pm

     Where: Hilton New York
            1335 6th Avenue

     For information and online registration visit:



  We have a series of meetings in the works:

  - FreeBSD 7 Launch Meeting, Part 2
  - OpenSolaris Launch Meeting
  - Planning: IPsec and IPv6 and VPNs  (possibly 3 meetings)
  - Planning: Unix/Linux/BSD Distribution Round Table Discussions
  - Planning: Asterix / Bayonne / OpenPBX-CallWeaver / VoIP
  - Planning: NO SPAM!
  - Crypto / PKI / GPG-PGP
  - The latest on *BSD (NetBSD/OpenBSD)
  - Patching and Updating Unix/Linux/BSD (rpm. yum, yast, etc.)
  - Building Custom Kernels Unix/Linux/BSD
  - Are there too many Linux Distributions?
  - Unix/Linux/BSD Clusters and Clustered Databases
  - Linux Clustering Part 3: Beowulf version 2
  - Building a Firewall using FreeBSD and Linux
  - LAMP Part 2 - PHP
  - Field Trip to HP
  - Unix 35th Birthday Celebration (Sun has offered to host this!)
  - Samba
  - DNS
  - High Performance Internet Servers / Web Acceleration
  - Unix Office Tools: Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Accounting Packages.
  - GNU Development Environments
  - iSCSI, Serial ATA, and other new peripheral technologies
  - Java and/or JavaScript Programming

  ** Unigroup Needs Speakers!!
  Please let us know about any other meeting topics that you may be
  interested in.  Potential speakers on Unix/Linux/BSD related
  technology topics should please contact the Unigroup Board.



  ** Formal Thank You's to our previous speakers will appear
     in an upcoming announcement.



  Unigroup is one of the oldest and largest Unix User's Groups serving
  the Greater New York City Regional Area since the early 1980s.  Unigroup
  is a not-for-profit, vendor-neutral and member funded volunteer
  organization.  Unigroup holds regular and special event meetings
  throughout the year on technical topics relating to Unix and the Unix
  User Community.  Unigroup is/was also the Greater NYC Regional Area
  Affiliate of UniForum - an International Unix Users Group.

  Unigroup holds regular meetings planned for (at a minimum) the Third
  THURSDAY of Odd Months.  We generally try to hold Field Trip or
  Vendor Specific Meetings on the Even Months, although we do have the
  ability to hold monthly meetings at our new downtown meeting location.

  Planned regular meeting dates are (usually 3rd Thursdays):
    5/22/2008, 7/17/2008, 9/18/2008, 11/20/2008, 1/15/2009...
  Watch for our Special Event meetings at the various trade shows in NYC
  as well as "Field Trips" to the facilities of local hardware and
  software vendors.

  = For Unigroup Information, Events and Meeting Announcements be sure to =
  = visit our World Wide Web Home Page:                                   =
  =       http://www.unigroup.org                                         =

  For further information or to get on the Unigroup Electronic Mail Mailing
  List send an EMail message to:
       unilist (-a_t-) unigroup.org

  To contact the Board of Directors of Unigroup, send an EMail message to:
       uniboard (-a_t-) unigroup.org

  If you have recently attended a meeting and you are not receiving
  Email announcements, please send us an Email and we will make
  corrections to our lists.

  Please Email the Board with any suggestions, especially potential
  meeting topics and speakers.  Unigroup welcomes contributions and
  content suggestions for our newsletter.  Unigroup is a volunteer
  organization and we need your assistance!  Please let us know if you
  can help!


-Rob Weiner
 Unigroup Executive Director
 unilist (-a_t-) unigroup.org
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