[nycbug-talk] Postgres memory usage FreeBSD

Matt Terenzio matt at thehour.com
Wed Apr 8 19:15:55 EDT 2009

---Not much to go on here - 

I apologize. I thought it would be a resounding "yes recompile" and as usual on this list, I'm wrong.

But. . .

No It's a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE (GENERIC) i386. It was running with only 256k and now has 1.5 GB


last pid: 14785;  load averages:  0.37,  0.27,  0.21                                                                     up 0+03:03:19  18:59:23
47 processes:  2 running, 45 sleeping
CPU states: 64.0% user,  0.0% nice, 35.3% system,  0.8% interrupt,  0.0% idle
Mem: 65M Active, 216M Inact, 141M Wired, 1636K Cache, 112M Buf, 1060M Free
Swap: 1500M Total, 1500M Free

I'm running off to see what PAE enabled is all about. As usual a learning experience awaits.

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