[nycbug-talk] dns abuse

Andy Kosela akosela at andykosela.com
Wed Jan 21 15:05:09 EST 2009

Miles Nordin <carton at ivy.net> wrote:

> >>>>> "y" == Yarema  <yds at coolrat.org> writes:
>      y> I can't say enough good things about djbdns.
> I can say a few bad ones.
> no support for ipv6, no standards-compliant secondary dns.  no support
> for dyndns and dnssec and thus no support for wide-area dns-sd.
> dns-sd is the best example of DJB's wrong-headedness.  It's a
> well-liked protocol which is becoming important, and it gracefully
> builds on standards the rest of us have been carefully laying, one
> stone upon another, for future protocols we couldn't imagine yet
> (dnssec, dynamic updates, IXFR), and now dns-sd comes along as such an
> unimagined protocol using all the prior work.
>      y> my servers were not contributing to any DDoSing since they
>      y> returns nothing to the . NS query.
> which may well violate some standard, or make something else harder to
> debug.

Exactly.  How are you going to point other nameservers to the root then?
Disabling recursion to WAN is desirable, but I'm not sure about
disabling answering for . zone.  So is this some kind of "bug" or not?


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