[nycbug-talk] dns slaves serve up empty data

David Lawson dave at donnerjack.com
Thu Jul 30 23:25:02 EDT 2009

> I just increased the serial number  to try to force a notify of the  
> slaves -- nothing happend
> removed all the allow-transfer clauses from named.conf (which used  
> to have an acl with all the slaves in it)
> and still the secondarys give a SERVFAIL .... grrr

I can do an AXFR from your master, so I don't think it's that.  How  
are those zones updated?  I've run into weird issues with named not  
sending notifies for zones updated dynamically.  I'd still recommend  
running the demons attached to a terminal or something to see if you  
can get some logging out of it.

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