[nycbug-talk] Split Horizon DNS

Matt Juszczak matt at atopia.net
Thu May 14 16:26:52 EDT 2009

> in spite of the negativesounding word bogus I have absolutely no
> problem with it and do it ~everywhere that I've got my shit together
> and rfc1918 is in use.

So say there are 8 servers.  All boxes have:

search bogusdomain.internal
options timeout:1

in /etc/resolv.conf

And .2 and .3 are setup as a master and slave of bogusdomain.internal, 
with all other queries going to the Internet.

The servers are actually named "servername.bogusdomain.com" even though in 
/etc/resolv.conf search is set to "bogusdomain.internal" because, 
internally, you communicate on private IP's, while the boxes when 
connected to publicly use the public IP's (just the way the network is 
setup, I had no say in it).

So to you, that isn't a problematic setup, minus the fact that the 
timeout:1 may actually cause more harm than good?

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