[nycbug-talk] BE PREPARED: Bring a Box Rock Your tmux(1) Tomorrow Night

Matthew Story matthewstory at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 17:47:16 EDT 2012

In preparation for tomorrow night's tmux(1) meeting, please do remember to
bring a box ... a box with tmux(1).  The format of the meeting tomorrow
night will be about 30 minutes of talk|demo, and I'm hoping you'll all ride
along as we go through the various fun things that tmux(1) is capable of.
 Following the demo, we're going to use the balance of the time to mingle
with some tmux(1) experts, and let anyone who is willing, able and
interested to get some hands-on time, and mentoring with configuring
tmux(1) on your machine.

I will be brining bootable media with tmux(1) for Free|Open|Dragonfly BSD,
along with Debian Linux, but if you can, please install using whatever
local methodology you prefer prior to tomorrow night.  If you're installing
from ports, remember that internet at Suspenders is spotty at best, and you
may miss out on the fun ...


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