[nycbug-talk] BeagleBones

Pete Wright pete at nomadlogic.org
Thu Nov 15 14:48:29 EST 2012

On 11/15/12 11:40, Eric Radman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 08:56:48PM -0500, George Rosamond wrote:
>> Anyway, I encourage others to start posting their dmesgs (not that
>> they should vary too much), and that we start opening up the
>> discussion about uses, eg., DNS, SIP server, etc.
> It would be cool if collocation services were available for these boards!
> The low space&  power requirements would be perfect for a blade-like
> chassis and I bet the price could be competitive with VPS.

On a similar vein (low profile/low power sysetms on a board) I've been 
working on these guys and they seem "ok" so far.  def still having 
growing pains, but they are promising solution:



Pete Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org
twitter =>  @nomadlogicLA

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