[nycbug-talk] Request for Review, Summary of FreeBSD src fetching problems

Brett Wynkoop nycbug at wynn.com
Fri Feb 15 01:42:19 EST 2013

On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 22:00:52 -0500
Marc Spitzer <mspitzer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Since binary patching is how things are getting done for the os
> patching, why should there be a tool in base to grab source?  and you
> can download the system source code using wget or curl, unless they
> are also too big to install on your system.  Source is not as
> critical to operational management of your system as it used to be,
> things change.

Please show me the binary patches for ARM.  I am sure there are other
processors in the same boat as ARM where binary updates not really



wynkoop at wynn.com               http://prd4.wynn.com/wynkoop/pgp-keys.txt

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