[nycbug-talk] FreeBSD Efika porting

Brett Wynkoop nycbug at wynn.com
Thu Jan 3 13:25:55 EST 2013

On Thu, 3 Jan 2013 11:51:50 -0500
"Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
> !!! Radness.
> "RISC architecture is gonna change everything."
> "Yeah. RISC is good."


RISC was king from about the mid 1980's through about 2001 on wall
street.  RISC was just faster with number crunching than CISC.

I think the rise of CISC on wall street is related to the move from
solaris to redhat linux.  I am pretty sure this move was mostly
fostered by the take over of Sun by Oracle.  I know I got nervous with
that take over.

I think it is great that all these small arm boards and systems are
starting to compete with x86 systems.  It would be nice to see more
mips boxes as well.



wynkoop at wynn.com               http://prd4.wynn.com/wynkoop/pgp-keys.txt

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