[nycbug-talk] Xorg VESA Driver Fun

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Thu Jan 10 16:49:48 EST 2013

Hey Talk
  I am playing with new desktop at work and I am running into a issue with
the video card; I want to see what you all think.

So for starter the system board is an Foxconn D250s which has an Intel
Cedertrail CPU and GPU.  In reality the GPU is actually a PowerVR gpu.
There is a Closed source Linux blob for xorg and there is no chance to make
it work on FreeBSD or any 64bit OS .

So for now I am stuck with the VESA driver .  I want to setup the driver to
drive a 1680x1050 monitor.

I went and did the following steps in a running xorg setup

1. I used cvt to get the new modeline

msaad at stereo-hippo:~> cvt 1680 1050
# 1680x1050 59.95 Hz (CVT 1.76MA) hsync: 65.29 kHz; pclk: 146.25 MHz
Modeline "1680x1050_60.00"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053 1059
1089 -hsync +vsync

2. They I used xrandr to add the new mode

msaad at stereo-hippo:~> xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00"  146.25  1680 1784
1960 2240  1050 1053 1059 1089 -HSync +VSync

3. Then I added it with xrandr
msaad at stereo-hippo:~> xrandr --addmode default  "1680x1050_60.00"

4. Then I verified it was added

msaad at stereo-hippo:~> xrandr --verbose
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1680 x 1050
default connected 1280x1024+0+0 (0x4a) normal (normal) 0mm x 0mm
        Identifier: 0x49
        Timestamp:  2903289
        Subpixel:   no subpixels
        CRTC:       0
        CRTCs:      0
        Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
                    0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
                    0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
  1280x1024 (0x4a)    0.0MHz *current
        h: width  1280 start    0 end    0 total 1280 skew    0 clock
        v: height 1024 start    0 end    0 total 1024           clock
  1024x768 (0x4b)    0.0MHz
        h: width  1024 start    0 end    0 total 1024 skew    0 clock
        v: height  768 start    0 end    0 total  768           clock
  800x600 (0x4c)    0.0MHz
        h: width   800 start    0 end    0 total  800 skew    0 clock
        v: height  600 start    0 end    0 total  600           clock
  640x480 (0x4d)    0.0MHz
        h: width   640 start    0 end    0 total  640 skew    0 clock
        v: height  480 start    0 end    0 total  480           clock
  1680x1050_60.00 (0x4e)  146.2MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew    0 clock
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089           clock

5. Then I tried to switch to the new mode and it did not work.

msaad at stereo-hippo:~> xrandr --output default --mode "1680x1050_60.00"
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed

I tried to set the crtc value and it still does not work .

msaad at stereo-hippo:~> xrandr --output default --crtc 0 --mode
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed

So does anyone know what I am missing ?


Mark Saad | mark.saad at ymail.com
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