[nycbug-talk] IPv6 Lit in my Brooklyn Apartment

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Sun Sep 8 14:30:24 EDT 2013

On Sep 8, 2013, at 1:14 PM, Bill Totman <billtotman at billtotman.com> wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2013, at 12:47, "Isaac (.ike) Levy" <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
> I got IPv6 internet connectivity at home, via bway.net DSL, and PFSense 2.1.
>>> --
>>> Charles Sprickman, a NYC*BUG oldschooler, was on the other end and has really driven the whole thing on the bway.net side.  (Thanks spork!!!)  I believe they are the first (and only?) ISP serving residential IPv6.
> Ok folks, we have our own IPv6 'Lewis', who will be our IPv6 'Clark'?
> Sorry, Captain Meriwether, but, when you're 1st you get the glory AND the funny moniker.  ;)
> -bt

I certainly believe Charles Sprickman deserves the title here, as well as Boris Kochergin, who appears to have driven the IPv6 rollout at NYI…

I'm just some goofball following the trail out in the wilderness :)


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