[talk] Need ideas for a replacement SAS controller

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Wed Apr 8 10:54:01 EDT 2015

Hi Talk
  I am looking for a SAS Raid card to swap in , in place of a dead
areca ARC-1680IX-24 PCIe x8 SAS RAID Card . The issue here is this card 
is attached to 20 disks in a 4U supermicro chassis.  I want to switch to 
a LSI Megaraid but I cant find any with 20 ports. The closest I found 
was this gem LSI MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e . It has 16 internal ports and 
4 external. Anyone have any recommendations. This is for a FreeBSD 10.1 
ZFS box. I dont need RAID just SAS to drive the 3G SAS disks.

Mark Saad | msaad at ymail.com

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