[talk] VPNs: Choosing between OpenVPN and L2TP/IPsec

Scott Robbins scottro at nyc.rr.com
Sun Apr 19 18:51:36 EDT 2015

On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 06:14:14PM -0400, Justin Sherrill wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Isaac (.ike) Levy
> <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
> I have the same dilemma at work; we've used SSTP for some Windows
> machines, but that's it.  I have used OpenVPN with a Mac client, as a
> test.  The default client isn't something I'd want to give to
> non-technical users, but I haven't gone past that to any sort of
> deployment.

We've used openvpn at work.  I haven't worked with setting up clients, only
co-workers, who are technical.  However, I think that it's fairly easy for
Windows users as well--I believe there is one central cert, then a key for
the individual, then a configuration file.  (I'm looking at what I have to
connect to our VPN. 

Scott Robbins
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