[talk] Ethical Obligations in Internet Operations

Jan Schaumann jschauma at netmeister.org
Tue Aug 4 20:34:45 EDT 2015


This isn't really BSD related, but it's NY related. ;-) Also, you're all
good people whose input I'd value.

I'm currently preparing a talk on "Ethical Obligations in Internet
Operations"[1] for Velocity NY in October (see
https://www.netmeister.org/blog/velocity-ny2015-accepted.html for the
proposal).  In order to help me better understand our profession(s) and
to prepare a better talk, I've put together a short, anonymous
questionnaire for everybody involved in "Internet Operations":


If you could take the five minutes to fill out this form, that would be
a great help for me.

If you'd like to share this in your social or professional circles,
that'd be wonderful, too.  You could:

- forward this email
- link to the form above
- link to
  https://www.netmeister.org/blog/velocity-ny2015-questionnaire.html for
  a bit more context
- retweet / quote this tweet:

Of course I also welcome comments directly to me via email, or a
discussion on this mailing list, if not deemed off-topic.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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