[talk] How I stopped worrying, and learned to love GPG

Brian Callahan bcallah at devio.us
Sat Feb 21 20:33:21 EST 2015

On 02/21/15 20:23, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> On 02/21/15 20:02, Brian Callahan wrote:
>> Hi Ike --
>> For reasons I can't figure out, Thunderbird has totally mangled
>> your email so I'll reproduce the relevant parts here and reply.
> I couldn't post about GPG without signing it, and enigmal/thunderbird
> mangling it for you :)
>>> Who really trusts GPG these days?
>> I guess I do, by way of the fact that I keep myself running the
>> latest GPG-modern (2.1.2 as of now). I'll be excited when more make
>> it over to this side of the fence and I can start using my EC keys
>> for real.
> EC.  Rad.  The future.
>>> And, my last question- the *BSD world is filled with so many
>>> impacting cryptographers, and some of the most prolific
>>> security-minded programmers in the world.  Why are we all still
>>> OK with this gnu-pg stuff, and all this RMS-ware?
>> tedu@ has a "simple, semi-modern wannabe PGP clone" called reop. I
>> think it's in FreeBSD's ports tree. Code is here:
>> https://github.com/tedu/reop Post about it:
>> http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/reop With that said, I only
>> know about it. Not used it. Would be interested in hearing Ted's
>> thoughts on the current version of the code and future directions
>> (but no idea if he's on this list or reads it).
>> ~Brian
> I'd be very interested in hearing about users practical experiences
> with 'reop'!
> Yet, this OpenBSD key,
> http://www.openbsd.org/advisories/pgpkey.txt
> Appears to be created using,
> http://www.pa.msu.edu/reference/pgp-readme-1st.html
> "PGP 2.6.3i is not an official PGP version. It is based on the source
> code for MIT PGP 2.6.2 (the latest official version of PGP) and has
> been modified for international use."

That key was generated in 1997 :-)
The newest item in that directory dates from mid-2002. I don't think
that key is still in use.

These days, we sign everything with our signify tool (also written by tedu@)


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