[talk] Odd query about modeling...

Marc Spitzer mspitzer at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 12:25:36 EST 2015

there is no coulda about it you are a contender


On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 1:13 PM, George Neville-Neil <gnn at neville-neil.com>

> A photographer friend of Kaz's (my husband) got ahold of him for this:
> "Do you know any tech / IT friends in NYC who may do a model for this?
> http://www.azcasting.com/videos/2014/12/14/dice-geek-models"
> And he passed it along to me.  Anyone of you geeks interested in modeling?
> Do I win the prize for strangest query on talk@ now?
> Later,
> George
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