[talk] Open source laptop

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:12:34 EST 2015

On 1/21/15 1:27 PM, Pete Wright wrote:
> On 01/20/15 19:29, Mark Saad wrote:
>>> Hi Talk
>>>  I saw this today on  slashdot and somewhere else, either way . It has
>>> some interesting bits but I was 1/2 expecting it to be a ARM and not an
>>> intel x86 isa.  What are you thoughts on why no one has built a arm
>>> laptop in this market with more then 2G of ram and a decent amount of
>>> internal storage
>>> https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/
> <dodging arm question>
> meh this site looks pretty sketchy imho.  i have idea what they are
> talking about in regards to no other hardware allowing you to run your
> own kernel (see: "Hardware Companies, Freedom, and Privacy").
> at least they are using a decent video card and OK components - although
> i hazzard support for RMA'ing components will be "fun".
> also..only supporting their linux distribution?  doesn't seem very open
> to me...
> -pete

Pete I agree with the snake oil aspect of this site. Al La "We are so
open we use Linux... Security is from linux ... "

Also I did some digging on arm with more then 2G of ram and a Acer Arm
Chromebook and one Samsung Arm Chromebook have 4G of ram, they are the
outliers. I am not even sure what the extra ram gets you with a chromebook.


Mark Saad| mark.saad at ymail.com

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