[talk] Ike's OpenBSD laptop meeting

Scott Robbins scottro at nyc.rr.com
Sat Jan 31 17:04:23 EST 2015

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 04:34:03PM -0500, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Jan 31,  4:30pm, george at ceetonetechnology.com (George Rosamond) wrote:
> -- Subject: [talk] Ike's OpenBSD laptop meeting
> | For those who don't have a laptop to test out OpenBSD on and don't have
> | an extra disk to install it on, I recommend hitting Ebay for a Thinkpad,
> | even an ancient one.  An x120e works nicely, and believe it or not, an
> | x60/61 is sufficient also.  Don't pay a lot for either, and you'll
> | probably need to buy a new battery.
> | 
> | Note that the meeting is on February 10th, the SECOND TUESDAY of the month.

For what it's worth, while not sure if this would run with OpenBSD, NewEgg
is selling some refurbished Lenovo L420's, with 4GB of RAM and i5
processors, for around $260 through Think Green PC.  
The wireless didn't work with FreeBSD-10.x, but the Edimax 7811UN (9
dollars and free shipping), does (though it doesn't work with 9.x)
The wireless card in my machine (I don't know if this varies) is an
RTL8188CE, and some googling indicated that it might work with OpenBSD.


(Just note that the cheapest one at the top is marked Grade B, and I don't know how
good or bad that is. 

As an aside, I found the easiest way to get OpenBSD to share a laptop with
Linux and FreeBSD was to use Linux's fdisk or cfdisk before installation,
to create an OpenBSD partition. Then, during installation, the OpenBSD
system saw that partition, and offered to use it, leaving other partitions

(A quick page of mine for anyone interested)

Scott Robbins
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