[talk] classifying BSD init

Patrik Lundin patrik at sigterm.se
Wed Sep 2 15:23:40 EDT 2015

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 07:48:23PM +0530, Sujit K M wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, what is the difference between one module per project and
> the present scheme. IMHO there is a lot difference in *BSD as Project. Though
> This might be true in the case Linux Distros. You have X11 Dbus it is
> functioning
> the same way in Linux Distros, But not in the case of BSD.

Currently there exists both modules that handle more than one system
(like the service module), and modules that are separate based on what
tool they manage (examples of these are the package management modules
"apt", "yum" and "openbsd_pkg") which are separate modules but keep a
similar list of base arguments that they understand.

This means that while I can have a playbook that works on more than one
operating system if it calls the service module, if I also want to
install packages I would need to use the "pkg_mgr" fact instead of
naming a specific module by name.

Just the direction of standardizing on one scheme for handling OS agnostic
playbooks seems like a good thing to me. Going in the opposite direction
and trying to merge the package management modules would probably create
quite a massive module (and lets not forget that while we generally have
enough bandwidth to go around it might be wasteful to have ansible
upload large amounts of code that is never run to all managed systems).

Another reason why I like the idea of splitting the module is because
it separates the logic of deciding "what tool to use" from the actual
tool logic. This is not that big of a deal for the *BSD classes because
they are already nicely compartmentalized, but the Linux class is pretty
complex as it stands right now.

Patrik Lundin

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