[talk] FreeBSD 10.3 AMD x64

Mark Saad mark.saad at ymail.com
Wed Apr 20 18:20:04 EDT 2016

> On Apr 20, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Sujit K M <kmsujit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am facing strange issues with 10.3 on AMD x64.
>            1. WPA SUPPLICANT Doesn't seem to work, though on install
>                or while administrating the system it does find the network.
>                but gives errors, while wpa_supplicant command as the 
>                Authentication timeout.
>             2. This is with the boot/if grub is installed no Boot Loader is 
>                 installed in FreeBSD 10.3 Install.
> Regards,
> Sujit K M
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  Tell us more about your setup ? What card / driver ? The wpa_supplicant code can depend on your nic's  driver iirc. I say this as in the past I had a wifi nic go bad* and it went haywire with authentication and listing ap's . 

*by bad: I had opened my dell to add ram and a new hd, in the process I handled the wifi card and probably zapped it with a bit of static electricity.  Not enough for me to feel was the right amount to kill it .  Swapping in a new nic solved this issue . Iirc it was an ath  nic . 

Mark Saad | mark.saad at ymail.com

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