[talk] NYS Right to Repair Bill

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Tue Feb 16 10:33:16 EST 2016

Hey All,

To all the New Yorkers on this list, I ran past some petition for a "right to repair" bill.


The "Fair Repair Bill, known as S3998 in the State Senate and A6068 in the State Assembly".

Interesting, I just blabbed about various Apple woes at work, modern Lenovo wireless card replacement, FTDI driver issues, and "Enterprise" support woes from the world of commercial networking products.  Really cathartic to write out the painful grievances of a sysadmin which the world doesn't care about (or does it?).

Anyhow, curious to hear if anyone on list has any thoughts on this thing?


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