[talk] Installfest, Spread the word at HOPE!

Raúl Cuza raulcuza at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 12:47:13 EDT 2016

> On Jun 20, 2016, at 08:58, Isaac (.ike) Levy <ike at blackskyresearch.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> HOPE is coming up next month, and this is *the* opportunity to get the word out about the NYC*BUG InstallFest, to a new audience!
> In years past, hacking/info-sec scene was had the *BSD family at the core.  A new generation coming up has not been exposed to the BSD's in the same way, and anyone from around NYC*BUG can and should play a role in taking the BSD's to a new audience!
> A few pertinent details:
> - https://hope.net/ July 22-24, Hotel Pennsylvania
> - The flyer attached, we need folks to print and help distribute!
> - The FreeBSD Foundation will have a table this year (!), I believe GNN is running it.
> (They may want some volunteers to help man the table?  Email admin@ to get plugged into it...)
> Best,
> .ike
> <20160803-installfest.pdf>
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Is the back room 21 and over? (That doesn't read the way I mean it.) I know some high schoolers who might be interested in the install fest but want to make sure they can get in before spreading the word their way. 


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