[talk] OpenBSD on iBook G4

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Tue Nov 1 13:36:55 EDT 2016

On 11/01/16 13:13, Robert Menes wrote:
> Hey all,
> I successfully installed OpenBSD 6.0 on my iBook G4. I'm packing it along
> for tomorrow.
> If possible, I'd like to get a little assistance with a couple of little
> projects I want to do with
> it, namely switching the desktop environment for something nicer like Xfce
> and getting Wifi
> completely working (I installed the necessary firmware packages but can't
> seem to get
> ifconfig to see any ESSIDs).
> Several tutorials I have read about configuring an alternate desktop
> environment are
> for older OpenBSD versions, so I don't know if they're still relevant now.
> I have
> tried one in a VM that mentions using SLiM, but whether it's my own goofing
> up when
> configuring SLiM as the window manager or not, I can't get X rendering
> using it.
> I'm little by little getting better at this, but I figured brain picking
> always helps out. :)
> See everyone tomorrow!

We should probably plan on another installfest in January... I have an
old G4 iBook around too.

And BCallah can bring down that old PPC iMac for me too :)


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