[talk] Nov NYCBUG tech meeting:

James E Keenan jkeenan at pobox.com
Tue Oct 16 12:01:39 EDT 2018

On 10/16/2018 11:13 AM, Sujit K M wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018, 8:03 PM Pat McEvoy <mcevoy.pat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> With the Subdo meeting last month, we have started our monthly tech
>> meeting schedule. The Nov meeting will be with James and Andrew showing off
>> the NYCBUG-NY.PM Collaboration. How does everyone feel about a Dec
>> holiday meeting / brainstorming 2019 tech meetings at Suspenders? Bars tend
>> to be good incubators for meeting ideas.
>> Nov.  meeting info:
>> http://www.nycbug.org/index?action=view&id=10661
> Any heads up on what has been achieved. Why we are doing this. Just out of
> curiosity.

What is the "this" you're referring to?

If it's "Why are we holding a technical meeting?", a partial answer 
would be: "Because we haven't held one since February."

If it's "Why are we having a presentation on this topic at this 
meeting?", a partial answer would be:  "Because (some) NYCBUG members 
have been doing something since February, and because Patrick took the 
initiative to start organizing tech meetings once again."

Beyond that ... you'll have to come to the meeting to find out.  Hope to 
see you there!

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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