[talk] OpsMops Halted (probably OT but tangentially related to April 3 talk)

Sujit K M kmsujit at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 10:12:49 EDT 2019

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 7:20 PM Raul Cuza <raulcuza at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not going to argue that using hands isn't like a baby toy. Like a
> baby, adult brains are stimulated by body movement. This is different
> from person to person, but I think the whole body is part of thinking.
> My fingers help me remember phone numbers for example.

It depends on what capacity a person or a living being have. As we find not
all living beings are capable and not all human beings are equal, some have
fast hands, some are 100 mts champions, some are marathon runners.

But I have never seen or made the choice of multiple professions or hobbists.

> As for "make me a program..." that is fascinating. I think we agree
> that there is a difference between the levels of abstraction in
> telling the compiler the steps of building something (e.g. "make 2
> text boxes and a button" can be done with English or with Python with
> equal results) to the level of abstraction of "make me an application
> that attracts 10,000 paying customers."  I agree that a compiler can
> get to the point that you can use English to program it. I have no
> clue if it will ever get to the point that you can tell it the goal of
> the application and it will be able to write it.
> Now if a system is doing everything to setup another system, we've
> left Comp Sci and entered biology.

We are not leading to biology, we are moving on to advances made in
computing, like speech to text can dictate a program, an intelligent IDE
should convert a program from synonym's in programming and complete
the program which can be tested and corrected at the IDE level. Would take
Dev Ops to another level.

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