[talk] November Installfest gear checklist/ideas

Robert Menes viewtiful.icchan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 12:50:13 EDT 2019


The installfest is just over a week, so we should do a quick checklist of
what we need to bring for everyone to use.

I know Pat mentioned he'll bring PSUs for SoC boards and a monitor with
different connectors.

I'll bring a couple of keyboards and mice, along with some Raspberry Pi's
(I got my Pi 4!), and a couple of video cables (VGA and HDMI). I'm also
bringing my ThinkPad T40 with OpenBSD 6.6 and my WorkPad Z50.

We should make sure that we have enough of the following:

* Power strips
* Video cables
* WiFi cards (for older HW)
* Input devices (KB, mice)
* Suggestions ???

I know I won't get any gear like this any time soon but does anyone have
any hardware that can run RetroBSD? I'd love to see that running again.

One last idea: SIMH running older BSDs would be fun, too!

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