[talk] Vixie meeting last night

Raul Cuza raulcuza at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 12:25:44 EST 2020

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 8:49 AM George Rosamond
<george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
> Great meeting.  Packed.  Lots of debate.  A lot of students in the room.
> I expected the numbers to be a lot lower, considering the concerns about
> the Corona virus.
> All credit to Patrick for the meeting. He reached out to Paul Vixie, and
> he got the meeting to happen.
> I think Vixie enjoyed the meeting also, and plans to do another in the
> future.
> Clearly we'll need a bigger room next time...
> g

No thinking about it. Vixie said this was one of the best meetings of
this type he has attended. Now, if he has more Hollywood blood then I
think he does OR was using "of this type" narrowly, I am wrong. But I
don't think so. It was a fine talk and the civil (but heated) Q&A was
worth the price of admission in and of itself (see what I did there?).


- R.
"raised too close to Hollywood to be taken seriously in NYC"

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