[talk] Something Has Happened to TOOOL

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Thu Dec 30 21:44:16 EST 2021

Hi All,

Many of you know TOOL from numerous conferences, and as a volunteer nonprofit, they recently fell prey to some complicated fraud scheme, described here:


Anyhow, I’ve met Deviant Olaf numerous times over the years- and TOOOL has certainly taught many of us a lot about fundamental security.  And taught our kids.

First thing: there’s some real lessons we can all take away from their story- lessons for volunteer orgs, lessons for individuals.

Second thing: They are passing the hat for end of year tax deductible donations, to keep afloat and continue to clean up their fraud mess.  (I personally want to be sure they exist once the pandemic is over :)

Apologies if any bit of my post seems spammy, but to many here, I know this news is community interest- (family interest, really!)


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