[talk] Testing Jit.Si

Raul Cuza raulcuza at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 13:09:41 EDT 2021

 On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 11:21 AM Shawn Webb <shawn.webb at hardenedbsd.org> wrote:
> On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 09:36:54PM -0400, Raul Cuza wrote:
> > We are interested in trying Jit.Si for the June meeting but need to do a
> > test to see if it works for us.
> >
> > I’ve tested it on macOS and it’s fine on that OS. Are there any volunteers
> > to test it on other OS’s? You can test it on your own (create a meeting and
> > talk and share on it with someone). Or I can create one and do some tests
> > with you.
> >
> > If it works for enough of us, maybe we can use it instead of zoom this week.
> One downside to Jit.Si is the lack of a phone call-in. Firefox's
> ability to switch microphone inputs on-the-fly on HardenedBSD (I'd
> suspect other BSDs are affected) leaves much to be desired. As far as
> I can tell, Firefox opens /dev/dsp at application start, so if the
> user were to plug in a microphone after Firefox has already started,
> then Firefox won't pick up the change in device.
> Thanks,
> --
> Shawn Webb
> Cofounder / Security Engineer
> HardenedBSD
> https://git.hardenedbsd.org/hardenedbsd/pubkeys/-/raw/master/Shawn_Webb/03A4CBEBB82EA5A67D9F3853FF2E67A277F8E1FA.pub.asc

Thank you, Shawn!

One correction. We will not be using Jit.Si for the June talk, but
want to consider it for future talks. So the request for people's
experience using it still stands, but for future considerations.

- Raúl

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