[talk] CIS Benchmarks for FreeBSD 14

jpb jpb at jimby.name
Thu Oct 17 23:01:21 EDT 2024

Not sure if folks saw this:

CIS benchmark for FreeBSD 14 - over 400 pages, with more in several

You have to register to download, but seems a good value.  I'll be
reading this over the next month or so.


From the doc:

Intended Audience
This benchmark is intended for system and application administrators,
security specialists, auditors, help desk, and platform deployment
personnel who plan to develop, deploy, assess, or secure solutions that
incorporate FreeBSD 14 on amd64 and arm64/aarch64 platforms.

Some well known names here:

Moin Rahman
Carole Fennelly
Eric Pinnell
Justin Brown
Gokhan Lus

As an auditor, I approve this effort.

Jim B.

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