[Tor-BSD] Mozilla blog post

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Thu Jan 29 10:17:52 EST 2015

Pete Wright:
> http://blog.mozilla.org/it/2015/01/28/deploying-tor-relays/
> Nothing too ground breaking I reckon, but a good blog post none the less.

I do think it's very significant.

I met a guy who had just joined Mozilla this summer, and he had a
meeting with the CEO the next day to set a privacy agenda.

This is more than just big firms playing the image game by implementing
TLS/SSL and making sure they are the only data miners of your
information, as opposed to governments.

The strength of the Tor network resides on network diversity, and I
don't want to see all heavy relays run by any corporations, but running
some of them, and giving legitimacy to anonymity, is a big +1 to me.


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