From announce at  Wed Feb  4 09:06:40 2015
From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements)
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 09:06:40 -0500
Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Upcoming
Message-ID: <>

REMINDER: There is NO NYC*BUG meeting tonight, even though it's the
first Wednesday of the month.  The February meeting will be next
Tuesday, the 10th.


Tuesday, Feb 10, 645 PM
Life with an OpenBSD Laptop, Issac ".ike" Levy
Stone Creek Bar & Lounge
140 E 27th Street east of Lexington Avenue

Have you ever been OpenBSD-curious?

"OpenBSD is thought of by many security professionals as the most secure
UNIX-like operating system, as the result of a never-ending
comprehensive source code security audit." Yet, whether OpenBSD is right
for you is a question that only you can answer.

I'll share my practical experiences transitioning from Mac life to
OpenBSD- the good, bad, and the ugly. For over 15 years, Mac OSX was
"the computer I physically touch". I build infrastructure, and the
computers I care about most, I rarely physically touch- servers on the
internet. These servers provide me the leading edge of computer
security, networking, cryptography, filesystems- all from Open and
auditable codebases...

I decided I'd had enough with my laptop being the ironic weakest link in
my digital ecosystem.

Forget religious debates about Operating Systems- I simply set out to
build an Open Source, Stable, Securable, and full-featured laptop. And I
was delighted that id doesn't suck to use!

Speaker Bio

Isaac (.ike) Levy is a crusty UNIX Hacker.

A long-time community contributor to the *BSD's,ike is obsessed with
high-availability and redundant networked servers systems, mostly
because he likes to sleep at night. Standing on the shoulders of giants,
his background includes partnering to run a Virtual Server ISP before
anyone called it a cloud, as well as having a long history building
internet-facing infrastructure with UNIX systems.

.ike has been a part of NYC*BUG since it was first launched in January
2004. He was a long-time member of the Lower East Side Mac Unix User
Group, and is still in denial that this group no longer exists. He has
spoken frequently on a number of UNIX and internet security topics at
various venues, particularly on the topic of FreeBSD's jail(8).


Wednesday, March 4, 645 PM
The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, George
Stone Creek Bar & Lounge
140 E 27th Street east of Lexington Avenue

Book Release Event for "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD
Operating System" with George Neville-Neil

The March meeting will be a special launch meeting for the recent
release of "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating
System." George Neville-Neil, one of the three authors, will be speaking
on DTrace, which is covered in the book. Copies of the book will be for
sale and giveaway. Prentice Hall, the publisher, will be sponsoring hors

DTrace is the tool of choice for debugging and performance tuning
systems running on FreeBSD. Originally developed for the Solaris
operating system, DTrace was ported to FreeBSD and has been developed
and enhanced within FreeBSD ever since. Used by both systems
administrators and developers, this talk will discuss both how DTrace
works, as described in the latest edition of "The Design and
Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" as well as how to
effectively use the system to monitor systems and diagnose problems.

Speaker Bio

George Neville-Neil works on networking and operating system code for
fun and profit. He also teaches various courses on subjects related to
computer programming. His professional areas of interest include code
spelunking, operating systems, networking, time and security. He is the
co-author with Marshall Kirk McKusick and Robert Watson of The Design
and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System and is the columnist
behind ACM Queue's "Kode Vicious." He serves as a Director of the
non-profit, FreeBSD Foundation.

He earned his bachelor's degree in computer science at Northeastern
University in Boston, Massachusetts, and is a member of the ACM, the
USENIX Association and the IEEE. He is an avid bicyclist and traveler
who currently resides in New York City.


AsiaBSDCon is March 12-15 in Tokyo, Japan

BSDCan is June 12-13 in Ottawa, Canada.  Registration opens in early March.

Start making your plans now.

From announce at  Mon Feb  9 11:32:44 2015
From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements)
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2015 11:32:44 -0500
Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG: Feb 10 "Life with an OpenBSD Laptop"
Message-ID: <>

List of Upcoming Events:

Feb 10: "Life with an OpenBSD Laptop" Isaac Levy
March 4: "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System:
DTrace" George Neville-Neil
March 12-15: AsiaBSDCon, Tokyo, Japan
April 8: TBA
May 6: TBA
June 3: "FreeBSD's NUMA" John Baldwin
June 12-13: BSDCan 2015, Ottawa, Canada


February 10, Tuesday
Life with an OpenBSD Laptop, Isaac (.ike) Levy
18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St
no RSVPs necessary


Have you ever been OpenBSD-curious?

"OpenBSD is thought of by many security professionals as the most secure
UNIX-like operating system, as the result of a never-ending
comprehensive source code security audit." Yet, whether OpenBSD is right
for you is a question that only you can answer.

I'll share my practical experiences transitioning from Mac life to
OpenBSD- the good, bad, and the ugly. For over 15 years, Mac OSX was
"the computer I physically touch". I build infrastructure, and the
computers I care about most, I rarely physically touch- servers on the
internet. These servers provide me the leading edge of computer
security, networking, cryptography, filesystems- all from Open and
auditable codebases...

I decided I'd had enough with my laptop being the ironic weakest link in
my digital ecosystem.

Forget religious debates about Operating Systems- I simply set out to
build an Open Source, Stable, Securable, and full-featured laptop. And I
was delighted that id doesn't suck to use!

Speaker Bio

Isaac (.ike) Levy is a crusty UNIX Hacker.

A long-time community contributor to the *BSD's, ike is obsessed with
high-availability and redundant networked servers systems, mostly
because he likes to sleep at night. Standing on the shoulders of giants,
his background includes partnering to run a Virtual Server ISP before
anyone called it a cloud, as well as having a long history building
internet-facing infrastructure with UNIX systems.

.ike has been a part of NYC*BUG since it was first launched in January
2004. He was a long-time member of the Lower East Side Mac Unix User
Group, and is still in denial that this group no longer exists. He has
spoken frequently on a number of UNIX and internet security topics at
various venues, particularly on the topic of FreeBSD's jail(8).

From announce at  Sun Feb 22 19:21:02 2015
From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements)
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:21:02 -0500
Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Upcoming
Message-ID: <>

We are putting the finishing touches on the next SEVEN meetings. This is
likely the best stretch of meetings we've assembled since we officially
launched in 2004. Note that we are in the process of overhauling how we
manage the web site.  Web site updates and details for some meetings are
in the pipeline.

Additionally, there are two BSD Cons upcoming:

AsiaBSDCon 2015, March 12-15 in Tokyo, Japan
BSDCan 2015, June 12-13 in Ottawa, Canada

The quick list of upcoming meetings.  All meetings will be in Stone
Creek's backroom at 6:45 PM at this point, but NOT all on the first
Wednesday of the month.

March 4: George Neville-Neil on the "DTrace", based on the new release
of "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System."
Introductory comments from the books editor. Hors d'oeuvres will be
provided, in addition to copies of the book.

April 8: Christos Zoulas "Blacklist'd"

May 6: We are waiting on details, but we likely have a remote speaker
coming in.  Stay tuned.

June 3: John Baldwin "FreeBSD's NUMA"

July 1: Steve Kreuzer "PTP: Precision Time Protocol"

August 2: Brian Callahan "What's New with OpenBSD?"

September 6: John C. Vernaleo "Bitrig"

As mentioned on talk@, we will start using NYC*BUG meetings to get
PGP/GPG key signings done! We will provide some how-to documentation for
those unfamiliar.