[announce] NYC*BUG: Feb 10 "Life with an OpenBSD Laptop"

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Mon Feb 9 11:32:44 EST 2015

List of Upcoming Events:

Feb 10: "Life with an OpenBSD Laptop" Isaac Levy
March 4: "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System:
DTrace" George Neville-Neil
March 12-15: AsiaBSDCon, Tokyo, Japan
April 8: TBA
May 6: TBA
June 3: "FreeBSD's NUMA" John Baldwin
June 12-13: BSDCan 2015, Ottawa, Canada


February 10, Tuesday
Life with an OpenBSD Laptop, Isaac (.ike) Levy
18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St
no RSVPs necessary


Have you ever been OpenBSD-curious?

"OpenBSD is thought of by many security professionals as the most secure
UNIX-like operating system, as the result of a never-ending
comprehensive source code security audit." Yet, whether OpenBSD is right
for you is a question that only you can answer.

I'll share my practical experiences transitioning from Mac life to
OpenBSD- the good, bad, and the ugly. For over 15 years, Mac OSX was
"the computer I physically touch". I build infrastructure, and the
computers I care about most, I rarely physically touch- servers on the
internet. These servers provide me the leading edge of computer
security, networking, cryptography, filesystems- all from Open and
auditable codebases...

I decided I'd had enough with my laptop being the ironic weakest link in
my digital ecosystem.

Forget religious debates about Operating Systems- I simply set out to
build an Open Source, Stable, Securable, and full-featured laptop. And I
was delighted that id doesn't suck to use!

Speaker Bio

Isaac (.ike) Levy is a crusty UNIX Hacker.

A long-time community contributor to the *BSD's, ike is obsessed with
high-availability and redundant networked servers systems, mostly
because he likes to sleep at night. Standing on the shoulders of giants,
his background includes partnering to run a Virtual Server ISP before
anyone called it a cloud, as well as having a long history building
internet-facing infrastructure with UNIX systems.

.ike has been a part of NYC*BUG since it was first launched in January
2004. He was a long-time member of the Lower East Side Mac Unix User
Group, and is still in denial that this group no longer exists. He has
spoken frequently on a number of UNIX and internet security topics at
various venues, particularly on the topic of FreeBSD's jail(8).

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