[announce] March 6 IRL meeting RSVP

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Thu Feb 22 10:23:54 EST 2024

Just to be clear, you will make everyone's life easier if you RSVP for
the March 6 meeting. The front desk will have the list of email
addresses permitted to enter. RSVP even if there's only a possibility
you'll attend.

Email from any address to rsvp at lists.nycbug.org and you'll receive a
confirm. You can use any email address you want. Do not subscribe to the

If this is too difficult, we could move to some data-sucking services
that require Javascript enabled in your browser which note the number of
fonts you have installed on your device and monitor your mouse
movements, then sell the data to your insurance companies that will find
you indecisive and a liability, ultimately increasing your premiums.


NetBSD for the Advanced Minimalist, Ivan "Rambius" Ivanov
2024-03-06 @ 18:45 - NYU Tandon Engineering Building (new), 370 Jay St,
7th Floor kitchen area, Brooklyn (directly across Jay St from National
Grid office). Closest subway exits in order are: Jay St - MetroTech
Station (A, C, R, & F Trains) Borough Hall (4 & 5 Trains).

Notice: Location Change. You should RSVP for this meeting at rsvp AT
lists.nycbug.org. You should receive an autoresponse email. Your email
address is sufficient verification for entry.

This talk grew out of the experience of going on vacation with only a
$100 Pinebook and trying, and succeeding to get work done. This is a
quick draft of the talk and content may change.

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