From announce at Mon Jul 8 15:34:24 2024 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 15:34:24 -0400 Subject: [announce] July 10: The State of Email, Michael W. Lucas Message-ID: The State of Email, Michael W. Lucas * note that we DID NOT meet on July 3 * MWL will be remote, but many will be onsite to watch him over video 2024-07-10 @ 18:45 EDT (22:45 UTC) - NYU Tandon Engineering Building (new), 370 Jay St, 7th Floor kitchen area, Brooklyn (directly across Jay St from National Grid office). Closest subway exits in order are Jay St - MetroTech Station (A, C, R, & F Trains) Borough Hall (4 & 5 Trains). Notice: Everyone should RSVP for this meeting at rsvp AT by July 9th. You should receive an autoresponse email. Your email address is sufficient verification for entry. Remote viewers also need to RSVP so they can get the streaming information on the day of the meeting. "It's impossible to run your own email!" Not quite. But you must do it carefully and correctly. This talk discusses the current state of email, with a focus on the small independent server operator. What do you need to run your own mail? How can you use protocols like DKIM and DMARC without wrecking your ability to communicate with the outside world? Based on Lucas' book "Run Your Own Mail Server." The first chapter is online Michael W. Lucas' name may ring a bell for some in the BSD community. He's written several shelves of books. But for anyone who has seen him speak in public during Ante COVID days, it was clear they are mere transcriptions of his rambling p resentations. For this NYC*BUG meeting, he is unlikely to edit out any of his expected corny jokes we endure during his conference presentations. More likely, you know his name from his grotesque horror fiction. In the same way his technical books are just transcriptions of his presentations, his fictional horror is just a simple reflection of someone who lives in a haunted house filled with (pet) rats in Detroit. Offsite Participation: We plan to stream MWL Zoom call via NYC*BUG Website. Q&A will be via IRC on channel #nycbug - Please preface your questions with '[Q]' From announce at Tue Jul 30 13:11:32 2024 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:11:32 -0400 Subject: [announce] Aug 7: Brian Callahan "Once again, I've done something no one asked for" Message-ID: "Once again, I've done something no one asked for": New (and old!) C/C++ compilers for your next *BSD adventure: a tale of advocacy: and a sub-sub-subtitle to drum up intrigue, Brian Callahan 2024-08-07 @ 18:45 EDT (22:45 UTC) - NYU Tandon Engineering Building (new), 370 Jay St, 7th Floor kitchen area, Brooklyn RSVP: Those ethier considering or wishing to attend, a guest list is required by the venue. Please RVSP to rsvp at lists dot nycbug dot org no later than noon localtime, day-of; an acknowledgement will be sent and the email address will be used solely for the purpose of attendance to this meeting's venue. Remote participation: Plans are to stream via NYC*BUG website. Q&A will be via IRC on channel #nycbug - please preface your questions with '[Q]'. At NYCBSDCon 2007, a talk titled "BSD is Dying" took the world by storm. Two years later at DCBSDCon 2009, we got the follow-up "BSD is (Still) Dying." A year later, "BSD Needs Books" was presented at NYCBSDCon 2010, followed up with "BSD Breaking Barriers" at NYCBSDCon 2014. These excellent presentations fall into what I call "BSD advocacy for everyone" talks. That is, talks that can get anyone excited about joining the *BSD community and fully bringing themselves and their skills and gifts to our little piece of human history. But the most recent of the talks above is a decade old at this point. What should a "BSD advocacy for everyone" talk look like in 2024? How ought we communicate the value of the software and ourselves to the broader world today? Come with me on an exciting journey on how I wrangled the proprietary Oracle Developer Studio and Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ compilers to run on FreeBSD and NetBSD and output native binaries for those operating systems. This journey is interesting to our question of "*BSD advocacy for everyone" by highlighting the power of the BSDs, the flexibility to undertake and excel at any task you might throw at them, and how many of the perceived problems those on the outside might feel "hold us back" are social, not technical, in nature, and how we can lead in turning the tide on outsiders' thinking in myriads of easy and small, large, and in-between ways. This talk will leave you with more than a few laughs, insights on "porting" proprietary software to the BSDs, and energized to be a *BSD advocate in your communities. Brian has been around the BSD community since 2005, NYCBUG since 2010, and got his OpenBSD account in 2013; he primarily works on OpenBSD ports. In 2014, he moved to Troy, NY, where he has lived ever since. He still does not appreciate the harsh upstate NY winters. Brian is the Graduate Program Director for and a Senior Lecturer in the Information Technology & Web Science program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the Founder and Director of the Rensselaer Cybersecurity Collaboratory, the cybersecurity research lab and nationally leading CTF team at RPI.