[CDBUG-talk] Mostly free hardware

Jaime jaime at snowmoon.com
Wed Aug 20 20:42:00 EDT 2008

	Free (in most cases) hardware fresh from my basement.  :)  Let me  
know if you have any interest.  A quick and simple list includes:

Lots of keyboards (PS/2, I think)

P3 350MHz tower
P3 800MHz tower

17" CRT monitor
19" (or more?) CRT monitor

1U rack mount server
- retired from a friend's job at a web service provider
- 2 hot swap HD bays
- an 80GB drive to get you started
- Some amount of RAM.  I didn't bother to open it, but I think it was  
- Some CPU older than 2 years and younger than 5.  I think that it was  
 >1GHz, but I can't make any promises
- I paid $20, never used it, and would *like* to get the $20 back.  If  
I don't get any monetary offers, I'll consider "out of my basement"  
offers.  :)

	Let me know if there is any interest in any of the above.


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