[CharmBUG] CharmBUG Meeting - FreeBSD Security Baseline (Online) 2/25/2025 7:00PM EST

Michael Shirk shirkdog.bsd at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 11:32:50 EST 2025

It has been a long time since our last meeting, but the plan is to get
back to regular meetups (at least every 2-4 months). One of the things
that happened last year was the creation of the CIS FreeBSD 14
Benchmark by CIS Security. Members of the FreeBSD community helped to
create this benchmark. The benchmark helps to raise awareness of the
capability of FreeBSD to meet industry standards for security. As of
today the benchmark is at V1.0.1, and the goal for this meeting will
be to highlight what is included with the benchmark, and how community
members can help to make it even better.

Information from the FreeBSD Foundation:

This meetup will be online using Jitsi:
URL: https://meet.jit.si/CharmBUG
Passcode: CharmBUG

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
TIme: 7PM/19:00 EST

Michael Shirk
Daemon Security, Inc.

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