[NYCBSDCon] NYCBSDCon 2010 Call for Presentations
George Rosamond
george at ceetonetechnology.com
Fri Jul 2 10:10:16 EDT 2010
The New York City BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon) is the main technical
conference on the US East Coast for the BSD community to get together to
share and gain knowledge, to network with like-minded people, and to
have fun. This event is organized by members of the New York City *BSD
Users Group (NYC*BUG).
The NYCBSDCon program committee is accepting submissions for
imaginative, embryonic and energizing presentations surrounding the BSD
operating systems. We are looking to attract a wide range of speakers
and attendees; therefore, topics of interest range from the esoteric to
development to practical, everyday sysadmin life. Of course, original
topics are preferred in most cases.
Each talk is expected to be 45-50 minutes, including a few minutes for
questions and answers. All presentations will be recorded for audio
and video. Presenters will have audio/visual and network connectivity.
Abstracts for presentations are due July 31, 2010.
Authors of accepted submissions should be able to provide the full
presentation for publication on NYCBSDCon sponsored mediums. Further
instructions will follow notification of acceptance. Submissions
accompanied by a non-disclosure agreement or a product advertisement
will be rejected.
Abstract submissions should be emailed to cfp AT nycbsdcon AT org in
text, ps or pdf format.
Conference Location: Cooper Union, New York, NY
Conference Dates: November 12-14, 2010
Important Milestones:
Jul 01 CFP Released
Jul 31 CFP Deadline
Aug 15 Notification of Accepted and Rejected Presentations
Do not let travel and accommodation concerns get in the way of your
submissions; we may have some opportunities to subsidize speakers, but
it is too early to provide any definitive answers.
We encourage you to join the public mailing list at
http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/nycbsdcon to keep abreast of
conference happenings.
For questions, concerns or comments, please contact us here:
info AT nycbsdcon DOT org.
More information about the NYCBSDCon
mailing list