[NYCBSDCon] some publicity updates

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Sep 22 16:14:53 EDT 2010

Looks like a good amount of publicity has gotten out there.

Many Facebook, Twitter accounts, blogs, mailing lists, etc. have been hit.

A number of blogs, in particular, provide us with an enormous amount of 
hits each conference.  I hit a bunch of them directly, and most have 
mentioned the con.  In particular Richard Beijtlich's Tao of Security, 
Dan Langille's FreeBSD Diary, ixSystems, Hubert Feyer's blog, Jason's 
DFly blog and others.

Make sure you hit this list (not me offlist :) to keep everyone in the 
loop.  Particularly if you do something creative.

One more interesting channel has been approached by Jason D:


We need to keep a pretty consistent profile for the conference. . . but 
everyone should aim to hit hard now, and again before early registration 
closes, at least.

But it's not a bad idea to do "12 days until NYCBSDCon 2010 registration 
ends", etc, on a periodic basis.

Thanks to everyone who's put in some effort so far. . .it's appreciated.


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