[NYCBSDCon] ISSUES AND STATUS, need a con secretary (I volunteer)

Brian Callahan bcallah at devio.us
Sat Dec 21 13:41:23 EST 2013

On 12/21/2013 1:32 PM, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> Hi All,
> Making a list of con bits for the interview later, I realize how many details are just floating around loose right now.
> I'd like to volunteer to be a centralized secretary, I can at the least catch up on list daily and channel things to the correct people:
> (correct me if I get any status updates wrong here:)
> --
> - Speakers
>    + Brian Callahan Has the ball
>    status: CFP review boiling down
> - Exposes
>    + Brian Callahan has the ball
>    status: Submission still open into January (?)

Expose submission deadline is January 15.

> - Venue
>    + ike has the ball with Romeo at Susp
>    status: Suspenders held for the 8th, will sync with Romeo after holidays
> - Registration
>    + Okan (right?)
>    status: UNKNOWN
> - Sponsors
>    - Get on site
>    status: Okan rockin' it
>    - Collect/Channel the money
>    status: NEED someone with experience here to help manage this
> - Site/Info
>    + Okan has the ball, others contributing
>    status: Okan rockin' it, mostly sponsor logos incoming now
> --
> Anyone object to me taking point as secretary, to help delegate things?

No objections! :)


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