[NYCBSDCon] Online Registration and Pre-Registration

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Mon Dec 23 00:21:18 EST 2013

Hi All,

Not sure if what the state of online registration is, (it doesn't exist yet, right?)

Okan has handled this (awesomely) in the past, he's on vacation until the first week of January-

I'm thinking this:
- It's a day-con, the online reg is a bit of work
- Can we just drop it?  We don't really need it?
  (Defcon is still cash at the door- obviously a different con, but...)

Meeting Pre-Registration:
For the next NYC*BUG meeting, if anyone is planning to pre-reg (at the discount rate), can we nominate someone to collect the money and/names?
(I can do this if nobody else wants to.)

Simple setup (RFC style):
Cash should be held in it's entirety, (e.g. not deposited anywhere).
To validate "paid" pre-reg people simply, names/email should be recorded, and attendees should bring a state issued photo ID at the door (to validate their name).  Simple.


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